Muztarib bagh ke har ghunchay main hy booye nayaz,
tu zara cher to de tashna mazrab hy saz
English Translation of seventy sixth verse of the epic Urdu poem Shikwa by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
Every blossom is filled with a silent fragrance,
It is like a musical instrument which is eagerly waiting for being played on.

Naghmay betab hain taron se nikalnay ke liye,
toor muztar hy isi aag main jalnay ke liye
English Translation for seventy seventh verse of this epic Urdu poem Shikwa written by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
Melodious songs are restless to spring out,
The mountain of Sinai, Toor, is impatient to burn in the fire of light of God.

Mushkilen umat e marhoom ki aasan kar de,
morbay maya ko hamdosh e suleman kar day
English Translation for seventy eighth verse of this epic Urdu poem Shikwa written by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
O God! Please ease the troubles of this nation past and gone,
Raise this worthless nation to the stature of Solomon’s superiority.

Jins nayab mohabat ko phir arzan kar de,
hind ke deer nasheenon ko musalman kar de
English Translation for seventy ninth verse of this epic Urdu poem Shikwa written by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
Help us spread the commodity of love which has fallen scarce of late,
Convert the mere temple goers of Hind into practical Muslims.

Jooye khun mi chakdar khasrat e derina ma,
mi tapad nala ba nashtar kada seena ma
English Translation for eightieth verse of this epic Urdu poem Shikwa written by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
The long unfulfilled desires of our heart are burning our blood dry,
Our breasts are still struggling for getting out of the pain they are in.

Booye gul le gayee beroon e chaman raz e chaman,
kya qayamant hy ke khud phool hain ghumaz e chaman
English Translation for eighty first verse of this epic Urdu poem Shikwa written by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
The fragrance of the rose has spread the secret of the garden,
It is sad that the flowers themselves have played the role of the traitor.

Ahd e gul khatm huwa toot gaya saz e chaman,
ud gaye dalyon se zamzama parwaz e chaman
English Translation for eighty second verse of this epic Urdu poem Shikwa written by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
The spell of the flower garden has come to an end,
These singing birds are flying away leaving the branches empty.

Aik bulbul hy ke hy mehwy taranum ab tak,
us ke seenay main hy naghmon ka talatum ab tak
English Translation for eighty third verse of this epic Urdu poem Shikwa written by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
There is a nightingale, the poet that keeps on singing the song
For, he has not lost the hope of spring yet.

Qamrian shakh e sanobar se gurezan bhi huwen,
patyan phool ki jhar jhar ke pareshan bhi huwen
English Translation for eighty fourth verse of this epic Urdu poem Shikwa written by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
Doves have deserted the branches of cypress,
The petals of flowers withered and confused about.
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