Tu jo chahay to uthay seena sehra se hijab,
raho e dasht ho seeli zada moj e sarab
English Translation of 49th verse from the famous Shikwa of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
If you just will, fountains may rise in the midst of deserts,
The green fields may turn to deserts as a mirage bound traveller.

Ta’an e aghyar hy ruswaye hy nadari hy,
kya tery naam py marnay ka awaz khwari hy
English Translation of verse fifty from the famous poem Shikwa by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
Enemies taunt us; we are disgraced and remain penniless,
Is this humiliation the return of dying in your name?

Bani aghyar ki ab chahnay wali dunya,
reh gaye apnay liye aik khyali dunya
English Translation of verse 51 from the famous poem Shikwa by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
The world has turned into a loving place for the non-believers,
The world for us has remained is a world of dreams.

Ham to rukhsat huwy auron ne sanbhali dunya,
phir na kehna huwy tauheed se khali dunya
English Translation of 52nd verse from the famous poem Shikwa by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
We have fallen and the world is in control of others,
O God, we fear the believers of Oneness may vanish soon.

Ham to jeetay hain ke dunya main tera naam rahy,
kahin mumkin hy ke saqi na rahy jam rahy
English Translation of 53rd verse from the famous poem Shikwa by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
We live, so to speak, for the uplifting your name,
Is it possible that wine-seller would vanish leaving the wine behind?

Teri mehfil bhi gaye chahnay walay bhi gaye,
shab ki ahen bhi gayen subeh ke nalay bhi gaye
English Translation of 54th verse of the famous poem Shikwa by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
O God! No more is your company nor are your lovers,
So are gone the weeping of the night and complaints of the morrow.

Dil tuj de bhi gaye apna sila le bhi gaye,
aa ke bethay bhi na thay aur nikalay bhi gaye
English Translation of 55th verse of the famous poem Shikwa by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
They offered their hearts to you and took returns,
The Muslims were expelled from your gathering very early that they could not even seat.

Aye ashaq gaye wada e farda le kar,
ab unhen dhoond chiragh e rukh e zeba le kar
English Translation of 56th verse of the grand poem Shikwa by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
The lovers did come but they returned with future promises,
Now, they are gone and you may find them with the shining lamp of your beauty.

Dard e laila bhi wahi qais ka pehlo bhi wahi,
najd ke dasht o jabal main ram e ahu bhi wahi
English Translation of 57th verse of the grand poem Shikwa by Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
The pain of Laila is still alive, Qais’ passion is stronger yet,
The gazelle goes leaping in the valleys and mountains of Najd.
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