Aik he saf main kharay ho gaye Mehmood o Ayaz,
na koi banda raha na koi banda nawaz
English Translation of Verse Thirty one of Shikwa by Allama Iqbal:
There was no division among muslims; Mehmood and Ayaz, the master and slave, stood in the same row for prayer,
This way the trend of slavery and class superiority was ended.

Banda o sahab o mohtaj o ghani aik huwy,
teri sarkar main phnchay to sabhi aik huwy
English Translation of Verse Thirty two of Shikwa by Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
Low and high, needy and rich stand alike,
When they reach to your worship, they stand like men of no difference.

Mehfil e kon o makan main sehr o sham phiray,
maye tauheed ko le kar sifat e jam phiray
English Translation of Verse Thirty three of Shikwa by Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
We went to and fro every day and night
We moved with the belief in the Oneness of God, Tauheed, like the drinkers move with wine in their hands.

Koh main dasht main le kar tera nam phiray,
aur maloom hy tuj ko kabhi nakam phiray
English Translation of Verse Thirty four of Shikwa by Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
We went uttering your name into mountains and deserts,
And you are well aware that we never failed.

Dasht to dasht hain darya bhi na chory ham ne,
behr e zulmat main dora diye ghoray ham ne
English Translation of Verse Thirty five of Shikwa by Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
While striving to spread your name, we neither spared any desert nor river,
We went right into the last edges of the darkness of the seas.

Safha e dohr se batil ko mitaya ham ne,
noo e insan ko ghulami se churaya ham ne
English Translation of Verse Thirty six of Shikwa by Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
We removed evil from the scene of this world,
And we freed the human race from slavery.

Tery ka’aby ko jabeenon se sajaya ham ne,
tery Quran ko senon se lagaya ham ne
English Translation of Verse Thirty seven of Shikwa by Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
We filled your kaaba with our worships, bows and sajdas,
And we embraced Your Quran.

Phir bhi ham se ye gila hy ke wafadar nahi,
ham wafadar nahi, tu bhi to dildar nahi
English Translation of Verse Thirty eight of Shikwa by Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
Despite all we did, we are being called unfaithful,
If we are unfaithful, then you are also not kind to us.

Umaten aur bhi hain un main gunahgar bhi hain,
ijiz waly bhi hain mast maye pandar bhi hain
English Translation of Verse Thirty nine of Shikwa by Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
There have been people of other faiths which included sinners,
Humble, drunken and full of pride.

Un main kahil bhi hain ghafil bhi hain hoshyar bhi hain,
senkron hain ke tery nam se bezar bhi hain
English Translation of Verse Forty of Shikwa by Allama Muhammad Iqbal:
Among those include lazy, ignorant, and clever,
There are still hundreds that don’t are averse to your name.
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