Learn CSS for Web Design
Learn CSS for Web Design: CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, is a way to design the two color HTML documents. Simply putting, it is a means to add style to the web pages. The use of today’s CSS includes web page design, placement of different segments of a webpage, adding color and style to the layout of the webpage. In short, CSS does all the formatting for a web document so that it looks aesthetic and colorful. Users are attracted as well as influenced by eye cathing range of designs and layouts which have been made possible only with the use of CSS alone.
CSS can be called into a web page either directly, called inline style, or indirectly, called external stylesheets. Both the ways to refer and include styles have their plus and negative sides. Using an inline sheet may be convenient as well as temporary because an inline style is used for one time styling only. But today’s complex web designs and the competition we are in forces us to use the elegant external CSS file(s).
External CSS files are a way to attach styles to classes and thier children elements rather than to specific occurances or codes. For example if we have declared a class named “heading” with attributes such as font size “large” and color green. Every new paragraph or line that is assigned the class “heading” will have green color and large font size. Similarly, repetition becomes easy by running the same routines time and again simply by calling the already created CSS classes.
To cater the needs for modern day web experience on different devices, CSS helps the web developers to code and include different layouts for the users according to their viewport i.e. the size of their device’s screen. CSS displays relevant information to the users by calling relevant CSS files only. For example the below code defines CSS design for devices that display between 642 to 3000 pxs.
@media screen and (min-width:642px) and (max-width:3000px)
We may tend to use several style sheets depending upon the number of devices and screen sizes we are likely to use for the purpose of web development. The above code is just an example to make you aware that CSS is simply far more than mere coloring of the web pages. Today is is everything for the developer because it means speed besides beauty if all the pieces of information are put together in the right way and right manner.
In the coming lessons we shall learn how to create different style elements using CSS. You may use the left navigation menu for CSS training and lectures.