Sample HTML document structure and visual layout & structure are explained below:

HTML layout and structure
Doc Type:
HTML layout basic tags with elements: Every HTML document (other than HTML 5) must begin with a DTD or doc type to help browsers render necessary graphics and webpage layout according to the coding standards defined by a web developer.
HTML tag: <html> or <HTML>
tag is the first line of our coding for webpages. The word ‘html’ in the angled brackets tells the web browsers that it is a webpage.
Head:<head> or <HEAD>
tag contains several important HTML tags within it but the most important ones are described below:
Title: <title> or <TITLE>
tag tells the web browser what name to be displayed on the title bar of a webpage i.e. anything written inside this tag would be the first information shown to the web users when they access a webpage e.g.

HTML title
There are two tabs above: the first one had <title>English Literature Notes &</title>; therefore, it displays the title in the title bar of the webpage. Similarly, Google displays the name of its communities in the title bar of webpages because its title is : <title> Love & Sad Poetry</title>
Meta tags: <meta>
contains information regarding a webpage including the below:
This tag is written as <meta name= “description” content= “Learn Web Design with HTML and CSS”>. This tag is very important because search engines, primarily Google, will display the text in search results. Refer to Google-Review your page titles and snippets
This tag is written after the fashion of “description” tag; however, its usage has historically been ‘to tell the search engines what your webpage is about’. For example: <meta name=”keywords” content=”learn html and CSS, HTML 5 and CSS, HTML CSS”>. Though Google does not seem to take much use of this tag, yet other search engines like Yahoo! don’t seem to refute its usage.
This meta tag provides information about the author of the webpage.
<Link rel> tag:
is used within the <header> tag for relating and referencing different files including CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY files etc.
<body> tag:
Body Tag’ is the most vital one because it is refers to the part of webpage which is shown to the webpage viewers. Body tag contains:
- All text and visual information
- Menus: Menus help in navigation and are considered navigational labels.
- Header: Headers contain major links for navigation like menus, social icons and logos etc.
- Footer: Company name and copyright information is generally given in the links mentioned in the footers.
- Side menus: These display right and left menus or paragraphs for text and visuals.