Religious poetry by Allama Iqbal
Religious poetry by Allama Iqbal: The great sufi poet of Indo-Pakistan has always been praised for his superior quality poetry of religious zeal. Muslims, across the continents, have constantly referred to Iqbal while discussing several Islamic topics and they consider Iqbal had a certain level religious insight which must be understood and realized by average Muslims to better evolve into a united nation.

Agr ho ishq to hay kufr bhi musalmani,
na ho to musalman bhi kafir o randeeq

Buton say tuj ko umeeden aur khuda say nomeedy

Bitha kay arsh pay rakha hy tu nay ay waez,
khuda wo kya jo bandon say ahtraz kary

Koi qabil ho to ham shan kai dety hain,
dhondny waly ko dunya b nai dety hain

Masjid to bana di pal bhar main iman ky hararat walon nay,
pal dil apna purana papy tha, koi bhi namazi ban na ska

Sodagry nahy ye ibadat khuda ky hy,
ay bekhabar jaza ky taman b chor day

Yu to sayed bhi, mirza bhi ho afghan bhi ho,
tum sabhi kuch ho batao to musalman bhi ho
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