Prize Bond Draw Rs 200 list dated 15.3.2016. The draw was held today March 15, 2016 where a single prize bond of Rs. 200 was declared for the first prize of Rs. 750000/- The second prize remains fixed at an amount of Rs. 250,000/- The number of bonds qualifying for the second prize were five. The third prize of Rs. 200 prize bond draw is fixed at Rs. 1,250/- The total number of this third prize is fixed at 2,394 prizes at each draw.
The government of Pakistan has empowered the National Savings Centres to issue prize bonds of various denominations. These bonds are fixed for a period of at least two months, if calculated based upon draw and shut period. Every category of prize bonds is scheduled for draw on quarterly basis i.e. after every three months.
Prize bonds of all denominations are to be accepted for sale and purchase by all commercial banks. However, no commercial bank would sell prize bonds during shut period i.e. exactly 30 days after the date of draw of a bond. For example, the Rs. 200 denomination prize bond was drawn 15.3.2016. it will remain open for sale and purchase till 14.4.2016. This remains the case with each and every denomination of prize bonds.
First Prize for Prize Bond Draw Rs 200 March 2016:
First Prize was announced for the bond number 296944
Second Prize for Prize Bond Draw Rs 200 March 2016:
Five Second Prizes were announced for the bond numbers 29694
Third Prize for Prize Bond Draw Rs 200 March 2016:
Download the list in Ms Excel format.Prize-Bond-Draw-List-Rs.200-Dated-15-3-2016
Download the list in PDF Format.Prize-Bond-Draw-List-Rs.200-Dated-15-3-2016
Though we have taken the greatest care to keep the results updated without any errors and omissions, but since breakdowns can occur; therefore, the above lists are based upon the draws actually conducted, errors and omissions are excepted.