Step by Step: How to Use Countifs in excel 2003, 2007 & 2010
What is Countifs? Countifs counts data rows if more than one conditions are met i.e. If you wish to count how many items are available in store for amounts below 3$, it will count those items. Remember, don’t confuse Countif with Countifs. Countif is used for a single condition only. However, for more than one condition Countifs is used. Excel Countifs Function:
Step 1:
(a) Sort your data
(b) Formulate your tables: these may be on the same table or on a different worksheet or even different workbooks.
(c) For the sake of example we have created two Tables.
(d) Table from where data is to be retrieved:

Ms Excel countifs
(e) Table where data is to be fetched/desired.

Excel Counting data with multiple conditions
Step 2:
Ensure spellings for search values are the same in both the tables.
Step 3:
Make sure there is no extra space.
Step 4:Necessary steps for Excel Count if funtion and fomula application

MS Excel using countifs function
Final Formula:

How to use Countifs excel

MS Excel Countifs easy
Advantages of MS Excel Countifs formula:
1. You may copy and paste Countif formula anywhere within the same column but for this you must place dollar sign against table to lock it.
2. A really swift and smooth process for finding and counting of entries across the sheets and workbooks with ease and perfection.
Things To Avoid in excel countifs formula:
1. If applying condition on values in cells, make sure they are picked from drop down instead of manual entry.
2. Avoid extra spaces.