Step by Step: How to Use count-blank-cells-excel-2003-2007-2010 & 2010
Count Blank Cells Excel 2003 2007 2010: What is Countblank?And how do wecount-blank-cells-excel-2003-2007-2010? Countblank counts data rows where cells are blank in the column on which this formula is applied. In other words Countblank is used to count blank cells in excel. If you wish to count items available in store with blank cell instead of amounts it will count those items.
Step 1: Counting Blank cells
(a) Sort your data
(b) Formulate your tables: these may be on the same table or on a different worksheet or even different workbooks.
(c) For the sake of example we have created two Tables.
(d) Table from where data is to be retrieved:

Excel Count Blank Cells-Step 1
(e) Table where data is to be fetched/desired.

MS Excel Count Blank Cells-Step 2
Step 2: counting blank cells
Ensure spellings for search values are the same in both the tables.
Step 3: Count blank cells
Make sure there is no extra space.
Step 4:Count blank cells in Excel

MS Excel Count Blank Cells 2007-Step 4
Final Formula: count blank cells

MS Excel Count Blanks Cells simple

MS Excel 2003 2010 Count Blank cells-Result
Advantages of Countblank formula in Excel:
1. You may copy and paste Countblank formula anywhere within the same sheet or even workbook.
2. A really swift and smooth process for finding and counting of blank entries across the sheets and workbooks with ease and perfection.
Read More to Count Blank Cells Excel 2003 2007 2010
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