Search Rankings and Quality content

Search Rankings, Back links and Quality Content

Search Rankings and Quality content: I have severally come across website articles that claim to guide us through to the top of Google rankings. The typical slogans they herald include several aspects which seem to have lured quite a big number of web developers in the industry. As I witness the events, and those articles really used to have a few successful hit prior to Google’s one after another releases which were meant to stop those non genuine page ranks and search positions. I will try to guide you guys the right ways to reach to the top of Google search rankings.

Meta Tags and Page Ranking: 

I hear Google has primarily focused its complicated search engine rankings onto the content and meta tags seem to have lost their importance. But I would advise you to keep using those genuine meta tags with the right words that your content is about. Be genuine and claim only what your content truly contains.

Title and Description vs Search Ranking

Our page title should be neither short nor too long; it must be precise. Our description and content must contain what we are trying to show off in our titles. We should describe a little what we are writing about and in what ways our article would be useful to the readers.

Quality of Content:

They rightly say “content is the king” but must add that quality is the word which makes Google and other search engines stick to your website in every search result. They would follow you deep and long which results in the trust rank and increase in page rank too. Quality content would create admirers and followers in the true sense of the word.

Back Links and website PR:

Well, the whole internet seems to go nasty when the phrase back links sounds to the very ears. It hurts a few and some others fell lusty for the links they might be able to get. Some try to buy backlinks from the sources they can. Others that can’t afford to buy back links, they go to the spam of web forms and forums. The only advise I can give is not to run after back links, they reflect honour and dignity given to a website for its quality content. Over the period of time, a quality website will get back links from reliable websites. Google does not seem to like unrelated and unnatural backlinks.

Web Design: 

Well, it is the most important aspect of website ranking and user attraction because a quality design would lure the users; it would help you not only bring new users but also to retain already loyal users. Therefore, a poorly designed website would lose several users while a stylish website is likely to retain users provided it has quality content. 

Enjoy reading. 



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