Audio Tag in HTML:
Embed Audio HTML: Though it is possible to embed audio inside HTML, yet only HTML 5 supports this feature; however, various browsers respond differently to audio feature because there is no consensus among the modern day web browsers for audio format. The tag <audio></audio> is used to render voice in HTML. There are a number of formats supported by this HTML tag that include: mp3, Ogg, WAV etc. In my experience, mp3 is the safest format with the major web browsers; therefore, I would advise you to use mp3 format. Let us try to add an audio file on a sample webpage:
Code for adding audio onto a webpage:
Step 1: Let us begin with by calling the HTML 5 document:
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
Step 2: Let us now place the actual code inside the body of our web document.Highlighted above is the code for defining your webpage as an html 5 document.
<h1>Testing Audio in HTML 5</h1>
<audio controls = “controls”>
<source src = “sound.mp3” type = “audio/mpeg”>
Step 3: See the result of your code in your browser. If it displays the one like below, then your code is working pretty well.
Step 4: Let us understand the above code:
<audio controls= “controls”>, the highlighted portion is required to show the audio control buttons including play and voice controls for the end user. Without the control function, a user would not be able to play the video. Unlike the above picture, a user would see the below blank screen without the option to play the audio.
The above HTML 5 audio feature is supported by all major browsers including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Opera.